
REST Auth API: Enumerations

EventTemplateHosting enumeration

Describes the platform hosting options for EventTemplate resources.

Value Description
Standard Describes an EventTemplate that is hosted and promoted within platform's website module.
External Describes an event that is promoted outside the platform via an external URL link.

EventSessionType enumeration

Describes the available types of EventSession resources.

Value Description
Venue Describes a session that runs at a venue.
Online Describes a session that runs online, such as a webinar.

ContactStatus enumeration

Describes the status of Contact resources.

Value Description
Active Describes a Contact that is currently active.
Inactive Describes a Contact that has been archived.
Unknown Describes a Contact that has a state not currently supported by the API representation.

EventRegistrationMethod enumeration

Describes the available methods of registration for Event resources.

Value Description
QuickRegistrationProcess Describes an Event supporting a registration process that involves a basic single-event, single-contact details form and no processing of payment.
OrderProcess Describes an Event supporting a registration process that involves a shopping cart, checkout process, support for multiple registrations, and optional processing of payment.
CustomMessage Describes an Event with no automated registration, displaying a custom message instead of a link to register.
Url Describes an Event with registrations managed by a third party website, with any Register links pointing at a predefined external URL.
Unknown Describes an Event with a registration method not supported by the API representation.

EventRegistrationPeriod enumeration

Describes the lifecycle registration states an Event resource may be in.

Value Description
Closed Describes an Event not currently accepting registrations.
Normal Describes an Event accepting registrations.
Late Describes an Event that has started, but is still accepting registrations under a Late Registration policy.
Unknown Describes an Event with a registration period not supported by the API representation.

EventStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states an Event resource may be in.

Value Description
Draft Describes an Event that has been created, but with unconfirmed details. Events in this state are not published and cannot accept registrations.
Active Describes an Event that is scheduled, or in progress, with a FinishDateTime in the future.
Completed Describes an Event with a FinishDateTime that has now elapsed.
Cancelled Describes an Event that has been cancelled.
Unknown Describes an Event with a state not supported by the API representation.

EventTemplateStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states an EventTemplate resource may be in.

Value Description
Draft Describes an EventTemplate that has been created, but with unconfirmed details.
Active Describes an EventTemplate that is ready for use.
Inactive Describes an EventTemplate which has been disabled or archived.
Unknown Describes an EventTemplate with a state not supported by the API representation.

EventOptionStatus enumeration

Describes the status of a an EventOption.

Value Description
Active Describes an EventOption that is active on the associated event.
Cancelled Describes an EventOption that has been cancelled.
Deleted Describes an EventOption that has been deleted.
Unknown Describes an EventOption with a state not supported by the API representation.

OrderStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states an Order resource may be in.

Value Description
AwaitingApproval Describes an Order that has been submitted and is awaiting approval.
Approved Describes an Order that is approved.
Completed Describes an Order which has been completed.
Cancelled Describes an Order which has been cancelled.
Pending Describes an Order which is pending.
Expired Describes an Order which has expired.

CreditNoteStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states a CreditNote resource may be in.

Value Description
AwaitingApproval Describes an Order that has been submitted and is awaiting approval.
Approved Describes an Order that is approved.
Completed Describes an Order which has been completed.
Cancelled Describes an Order which has been cancelled.

PaymentStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states a PaymentReference resource may be in.

Value Description
Completed Describes payment that has been successfully completed.
InProgress Describes a payment that is in progress or awaiting manual clearance.
Failed Describes a payment attempt that was declined or otherwise not successful.

OrganisationStatus enumeration

Describes the states an Organisation resource may be in.

Value Description
Active Describes an Organisation representing a current client.
Inactive Describes an Organisation representing an historical or archived client.
Unknown Describes an Organisation with a state not supported by the API representation.

VenueStatus enumeration

Describes the states a Venue resource may be in.

Value Description
Active Describes a Venue representing a current site for hosting EventSessions.
Inactive Describes a Venue representing an historical or archived site.
Unknown Describes a Venue with a state not supported by the API representation.

VenueRoomStatus enumeration

Describes the states a VenueRoom resource may be in.

Value Description
Active Describes a VenueRoom representing a current room for hosting EventSessions.
Inactive Describes a VenueRoom representing an historical or archived room.
Unknown Describes a VenueRoom with a state not supported by the API representation.

RegistrationStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states a Registration resource may be in.

Value Description
PendingApproval Describes a provisional Registration which has been created, but is pending approval based on the state of another resource (such as an Order awaiting payment), or an action from an administrator.
Approved Describes a Registration which has been approved/confirmed for a future Event.
Cancelled Describes a Registration which has been cancelled.
Completed Describes a Registration associated with an Event which has now completed.
Unknown Describes a Registration with a state not supported by the API representation.

RegistrationOutcome enumeration

Describes the outcome (pass/fail) states a Registration resource may be in.

Value Description
Pass Describes a Registration with a pass result.
Fail Describes a Registration with a fail result.
Unknown Describes a Registration with a result not supported by the API representation.

RegistrationContactAttendance enumeration

Describes the attendance type for a Contact that registered to attend an Event.

Value Description
Attended The Contact attended the Event.
DidNotAttend The Contact did not attend the Event.
Unknown No record of attendance is available.

LeadType enumeration

Describes the type for a Lead.

Value Description
ExistingEvent This lead concerns an existing event.
NewPublicEvent A suggestion for an existing event to be rescheduled.
NewPrivateEvent A new private event is being suggested.
ProductService Relates to the provision of a possibly new product or service.
CustomEnquiry A specific enquiry not covered by other lead types.
Partner A partner organisation ?.

LeadStatus enumeration

Describes the status of a Lead.

Value Description
Open This lead is active.
Closed This lead is now closed.
Archived This lead has been archived.

EventConfirmationStatus enumeration

Describes the confirmation status of an event.

Value Description
Unconfirmed This event is as yet unconfirmed.
Confirmed This event is fully confirmed.
AutoConfirmed This event has been auto confirmed by the platform.
BeingConfirmed This event is in the process of transitioning to a confirmed status.

OnlineActivityStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states an OnlineActivity resource may be in.

Value Description
Draft Describes an OnlineActivity that has been created, but with unconfirmed details. Events in this state are not published and cannot accept registrations.
Active Describes an OnlineActivity that is available.
Completed Describes an OnlineActivity that has been marked by the systems administrator as completed.
Archived Describes an OnlineActivity that has been archived and is no longer available.
Unknown Describes an OnlineActivity with a state not supported by the API representation.

AsyncTaskStatus enumeration

Describes the lifecycle states an AsyncTasks resource may be in.

Value Description
Waiting Describes an asyncTask that has not started yet.
Running Describes an asyncTask that is currently running.
Suspended Describes an asyncTask that is currently suspended.
Completed Describes an asyncTask that is already completed.
Cancelled Describes an asyncTask that has been cancelled.
Faulted Describes an asyncTask that has been interrupted by exception(s).