
REST Auth API: OAuth API Usage

This article documents the typical steps in the flow required to obtain an access token with OAuth, including the initial request for the code, the authorization callback and additional call to obtain a usable access token.

Also covered are the APIs for refreshing a token, and validating or revoking an existing token.

For an overview of Arlo's OAuth implementation, see our general OAuth overview article.

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Step 1: Requesting an authorization code

Add a link or button in your application that sends the user to the following URL:


where {platform_name} is the name of the platform.

You must include the following parameters (which must be URI encoded):

Parameter Description
client_id The unique identifier you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo.
response_type The only supported response type is code.
scope A space-separated list of scopes that control access to the oauth endpoints. A typical set of scopes is:
  • openid (required)
  • profile (required)
  • offline_access (strongly recommended, as it allows for token refresh)
  • read
  • write (required only if you plan to update data in the API)
  • all_claims (provides access to all general resource endpoints)
state (Recommended) An opaque string that Arlo will echo back on the token response. We recommend you put a random string in this parameter that you save for every authorization request so that you can correlate/validate every callback with a legitimate authorization request. It is up to your application code to ensure that any echoed state matches a known value.
redirect_uri The URL that Arlo should use to send the user's decision to grant access to your application. The URL has be absolute and not relative. It also has to be secure (https).

Example GET request for requesting authorisation, including a state parameter:

    &state=mebnpJ49AnMwDv HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

Step 2: Handle the user's authorization decision (callback)

The callback URL you provided in step 1 will be invoked with a HTTP GET with parameters indicating what the user decided (whether to authorise your application or not).

Access granted callback

If the user decided to grant access to the application, the redirect URL contains an authorization code string parameter, and optionally an echoed state parameter if one was provided with the original request.


Note that authorization codes have limited use period of several minutes and should not be stored. The code should be used in the next step of the process as soon as it is issued.

Error callback

The redirect URL will be invoked with an error code when:

  • the user explicitly denied access to the application
  • the authorization request was not valid

If a state parameter was provided with the original request, it will be included in any error callback.


Common error codes and troubleshooting:

Error Reason Troubleshoot
access_denied The user or server denied the access request. There may be an issue with the scopes your application is requesting. This is a user-driven error code so there is limited opportunity for technical troubleshooting.
invalid_request The authorization request contained an invalid or missing parameter. Check that all required URL parameters are included as per Step 1, particularly the scope parameter.
invalid_scope The authorization request contained an invalid or malformed scope parameter value. Ensure this parameter refers to only supported scopes, that the scopes are separated by spaces (not commas), are lowercase, and that the whole parameter value is URI encoded.

Step 3: Request an access token from Arlo

If your application received an authorisation code in the previous step, you need to make a call to exchange this temporary code for an access token.

To get an access token, make a POST request to the following endpoint:


where {platform_name} is the name of the platform. The response from this request will be a JSON token.

You must include the following parameters in the request (which must be URI encoded):

Parameter Description
client_id The unique identifier you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
client_secret The secret you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
grant_type Must have the value authorization_code
code The temporary authorisation code you received when the user granted your application access.
redirect_uri A reference to the same redirect_uri string used in step 1. This is used for security purposes to verify the request.
Request using credentials in Authorization header

The preferred method of exchanging the client secret is in the HTTP Authorization header, rather than including these in the HTTP POST body.

The header format must be client_id:client_secret, Base64 encoded.

For example, the header for a client ID 12345678 and secret ABCDEFGH would be

Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Nzg6QUJDREVGR0g=
Example request

An example token request (with the client_id and client_secret in the Authorization request header)

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Nzg6QUJDREVGR0g=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 214

Token response structure

A successful request will return a JSON object (a JWT) that you should parse and securely store.


The response JSON structure has the following fields:

Parameter Description
id_token Base64-encoded JSON containing claims that describe the authenticated identity. Generally you will not need to process this field beyond storing it.
access_token A unique identifier that you should use in subsequent HTTP requests.
refresh_token (Optional) A unique identifier that you should use when you want to refresh the access token (before or after it expires). This field is only included when the offline_access scope was specified in the original request at Step 1. Token refresh is not supported if this scope isn't requested.
expires_in The time (in seconds) that the access token remains valid for. Use of the token beyond this period will result in HTTP 401 or 403 responses. If you need to use the token beyond this period, you can request a refresh if you have a valid refresh_token. Otherwise you will need to start the authenticate process again to get a new access token.
token_type The type of the token. Always Bearer.

Follow our token caching guidelines and save this token to persistent storage. Use the token until the API returns a HTTP 401 or 403 response before attempting to refresh it.

Step 4: Use the access token in API calls

Your application can use the access token in subsequent Arlo API calls for the lifetime of the token. Ensure you cache the token according to our token caching guidelines.

Include the token in the Authorization HTTP request header. For example, if your token is d5382c0000a5821280de0da32f7c0f01:

Authorization: Bearer d5382c0000a5821280de0da32f7c0f01

Example requesting a Contact resource using an issued OAuth token:

Accept: application/xml
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Bearer d5382c0000a5821280de0da32f7c0f01

Refreshing the access token

Access tokens issued by Arlo have a limited lifespan, and eventually expire after the expires_in duration of the token elapses.

Once a token expires, requests that continue to use it will fail with HTTP 401 or 403 responses. If your application receives one of these responses, you may use the API to refresh the token provided your original request included the offline_access scope, and you saved the refresh_token string from the token response. You cannot use this endpoint if you do not have a valid refresh_token string.

To refresh an access token, make a POST request to the following endpoint:


where {platform_name} is the name of the platform. The response from this request will be a new JSON token.

You shouldn't need to call this API frequently. Follow our token caching guidelines and wait for a HTTP 401 or 403 response for a general API request before using this API to refresh a token if it has expired.

You must include the following parameters in the request (which must be URI encoded):

Parameter Description
client_id The unique identifier you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
client_secret The secret you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
grant_type Must have the value refresh_token
refresh_token The refresh_token string that was included with the originally issued token.
redirect_uri A reference to the same redirect_uri string used in step 1. This is used for security purposes to verify the request.

As per Step 3, we recommend you specify your client credentials using the Authorization header, rather than including these in the HTTP POST body.

Example request

An example token request (with the client_id and client_secret in the Authorization request header)

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Nzg6QUJDREVGR0g=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 214

Token response structure

A successful refresh request will return a JSON object (a JWT) that you should parse and securely store, replacing any token you previously had stored.


The JWT structure fields are the same as those defined in Step 3.

Note that the JWT will include a new refresh_token value that you should use in future refresh requests instead of the token that was originally issued with the first request.

Validating an access token

To check if an access token is valid, make a GET request to the following endpoint:


where {platform_name} is the name of the platform.

You must include the following parameters (which must be URI encoded):

Parameter Description
token The access token to check.

You shouldn't need to call this API frequently. Follow our token caching guidelines and wait for a HTTP 401 or 403 response for a general API request before using this API to check if the token is valid.

Example request

An example validation request:

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
HTTP status codes

The HTTP status of the response will indicate if the token is valid.

Status Description
200 OK The token is valid.
400 Bad Request The token is not valid.

A successful refresh request will return a JSON object with token claim details. In general, the claims are implementation specific and you should avoid parsing them as they may change between requests.

The HTTP 200 OK response status is sufficient to indicate that a token is valid, and you do not need to examine the content of the response.

Revoking an access or refresh token

To revoke a previously issued access or refresh token, make a POST request to the following endpoint which follows the RFC 7009 specification:


where {platform_name} is the name of the platform.

You must include the following parameters (which must be URI encoded):

Parameter Description
client_id The unique identifier you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
client_secret The secret you obtained when you registered your application with Arlo. We recommend you put this in the Authorization HTTP header instead of the content body.
token A reference to the access or refresh token to revoke.
token_type_hint A reference to type of token specified. Must be either refresh_token or access_token.

The invalidation takes place immediately, and the token cannot be used again after the revocation.

Example request

An example revoke request (with the client_id and client_secret in the Authorization request header)

Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Nzg6QUJDREVGR0g=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 102

HTTP status codes

The HTTP status of the response will indicate the success of the operation.

Status Description
200 OK The request is valid, and the token has been revoked.
400 Bad Request The request is not valid.

The HTTP 200 OK response status is sufficient to indicate that the revocation request has been accepted, and you do not need to examine the content of the response.