
REST Auth API: CreditNoteLines

CreditNoteLine resources are a subresource of CreditNote, and represent individual credit items.

Each line has a description, quantity, amount, and references to account codes and any applicable tax.

CreditNoteLine instance resource

Resource URI


General structure

  <Description>Facilitation - The Art of Collaborative Leadership (ART-014), 9-Oct-2015 8:00 AM, Hannah Lane</Description>
  <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="CreditNote" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="TaxRate" href=""/>

Resource properties

Property Description
CreditNoteLineID An integer value that uniquely identifies this resource within the platform.
LineNumber An integer value identifying the number of this line within the credit note.
UnitAmount The base amount for the item, supporting up to 4 decimal places of precision. This amount may be tax inclusive or exclusive depending on the LineAmountsTaxInclusive setting on the parent credit note.
Quantity The quantity multiplier for the line.
DiscountAmount The total amount of any discounts applied to the line. Omitted if the line has no associated discounts.
TaxAmount The amount of tax for the line, rounded to 2 decimal places of precision. Omitted if the line has no associated tax.
LineAmount The total for the line, inclusive of any discount amount, rounded to 2 decimal places of precision. This amount may be tax inclusive or exclusive depending on the LineAmountsTaxInclusive setting on the parent credit note.
AccountCode The revenue or income account code for the line.
TaxAccountCode The tax account code for the line. Omitted if the line has no associated tax.


Returns a representation of a CreditNoteLine, including the properties and links above.

Optional parameters
Parameter Description
expand Expression referencing Link elements to expand when generating the response. See link expansion.

GET /api/2012-02-01/auth/resources/creditnotes/11079/lines/7192/

  <Description>Facilitation - The Art of Collaborative Leadership (ART-014), 9-Oct-2015 8:00 AM, Hannah Lane</Description>
  <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="TaxRate" href=""/>


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.