
Online Activity List related shortcodes

The following shortcodes can be used in the Arlo for WordPress plugin for online activities list.

[arlo_onlineactivites_list_item][/arlo_onlineactivites_list_item]From: v3.2

The shortcode represents an event in the online activities list.


  • limit (int): The default item per page can be override with this attribute. The default value is inherited from the WordPress "Posts per page" setting.
  • group (string): Grouping can be added to the online activities list with this attribute.
    • "alpha": items will be grouped by the first letter of the online activity's name
    • "category": items will be grouped by category

If the limit attribute is used in the [arlo_onlineactivites_list_item] shortcode, it's necessary to add with the same value to the [arlo_onlineactivites_list_pagination] and [arlo_onlineactivities_list_rich_snippet] for the correct count of the items.

Must be used within the [arlo_onlineactivites_list] shortcode.

[arlo_onlineactivites_filters]From: v3.2

Creates different dropdowns to filter the online activities list.


  • filters (string): Can be used to define which filter dropdown will be shown. It is a comma separated list with the following items:
    • "category": a dropdown with all the available categories (nested)
    • "templatetag": a dropdown with all the available template tags
  • resettext (string): The displayed text for the reset button
  • buttonclass (string): a CSS class name for the reset button

Must be used within the [arlo_onlineactivites_list] shortcode.

[arlo_onlineactivites_list_pagination]From: v3.2

The shortcode will be replaced to a pager related to the online activities list. It uses the default paging function of the WordPress.


  • limit (int): The default item per page can be override with this attribute. The default value is inherited from the WordPress "Posts per page" setting.

If the limit attribute is used in the [arlo_onlineactivites_list_item] shortcode, it's necessary to add with the same value to the [arlo_onlineactivites_list_pagination] and [arlo_onlineactivities_list_rich_snippet] for the correct count of the items.

Must be used within the [arlo_onlineactivites_list] shortcode.