

The Arlo REST Authenticated API allows you to query meta-data about your platform's Events, Contacts, Organisations, Registrations, Venues and much more.

The authenticated API allows you access to much more detail than the simpler Public API. This API is designed for systems integration such as CRM data integration and access to full registration and contact details. The Auth API is not optimised or designed for website integration. If you wish to access general event, template or categories information for display on your website, use the Public API instead which has endpoints and data formats optimised for this sort of integration.

Because the Auth API is based on REST principles, it's very easy to write and test applications. You can use your browser to access URLs, and you can use pretty much any HTTP client in any programming language to interact with the API.

Auth base URL

All URLs referenced in the documentation are children of the following base:



The Auth REST API is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy and security of credentials, unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

The REST API supports two mechanisms for authenticating access; basic authentication and OAuth 2.

Getting started

This documentation explains the format for raw HTTP calls to the Arlo REST API. In the future we hope to have helper libraries in different languages available to speed up project implementations that require the use of the API.

To get started with the API, we recommend you read the general overview topics of how the Auth API represents the key concepts of resource collections, resource instances, including how resource linking is represented.

Before making any requests to API endpoints, we recommend you read how to correctly supply authentication credentials with your HTTP requests.

For reference documentation on key resources you might want to access, you can read more about the API's representations of Contacts, Organisations, Events and Registrations.