
REST Auth API: VenueRoom

VenueRoom resources represent a location within a Venue where EventSessions can be hosted.

VenueRooms are defined by a name, an optional capacity, and a description.

VenueRoom instance resource

Resource URI


Resource properties

Property Description
VenueRoomID An integer value that uniquely identifies this resource within the platform.
Name A string representing the name of this room, up to 64 characters long.
Capacity An integer value representing the estimated seating capacity of this room.
Status A VenueRoomStatus value representing the current state of this resource, such as active or inactive (archived).
Description An inline RichContent resource respresenting any private details about this room.


Returns a representation of a VenueRoom, including the properties and links above.

Optional parameters
Parameter Description
expand Expression referencing Link elements to expand when generating the response. See link expansion.

GET /api/2012-02-01/auth/resources/venuerooms/45/

  <Name>Great Northern Room</Name>
      <![CDATA[U Shape 30
Theater 90
Classroom 40]]>
  <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="Venue" href=""/>


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

VenueRooms collection resource

The VenueRooms collection resource represents the set of VenueRooms resources on the platform.

Resource URI



Returns a representation of the collection as a set of Link elements which can be followed to access individual VenueRoom resources, or link expansion can be used via the expand query parameter to inline the entities with the HTTP GET response. See querying collections for general information on handling resource collections.

Optional parameters
Parameter Description
expand Expression referencing Link elements to expand when generating the response. See link expansion.
filter A filter expression to apply to the collection. See collection filters. The following properties (and link titles) may be used in filter expressions:
  • VenueRoomID
  • Name
  • Capacity
  • Status
  • Venue
orderby A sort expression to apply to the collection. See collection sorting. The following properties may be used in sort expressions:
  • VenueRoomID
  • Name
  • Capacity
skip Returns a subset of records from the collection, starting at index N+1 specified by this parameter. The skip and top parameters are generally used for collection paging.
top Returns a subset of records from the collection, starting at index 0 or index skip, and returns the first N records. The skip and top parameters are generally used for collection paging.
Example 1

Retrieve a collection of VenueRoom links with the default parameters, and no link expansion.

GET /api/2012-02-01/auth/resources/venuerooms/

  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href=""/>
  <Link rel="next" type="application/xml" href=""/>
  <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
Example 2

Retrieve a collection of VenueRoom links with the default parameters, with VenueRoom link expansion.

GET /api/2012-02-01/auth/resources/venuerooms/?expand=VenueRoom

  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href="">
      <Name>Great Northern Room</Name>
          <![CDATA[U Shape 30
Theater 90
Classroom 40]]>
      <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
      <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="Venue" href=""/>
  <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="VenueRoom" href="">
      <Name>Rangatiki Room</Name>
          <![CDATA[Boardroom Style Max 8]]>
      <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>
      <Link rel="" type="application/xml" title="Venue" href=""/>
  <Link rel="next" type="application/xml" href=""/>
  <Link rel="self" type="application/xml" href=""/>


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.