
Event related shortcodes

The following shortcodes can be used in the Arlo for WordPress plugin.

[arlo_event_filters]From: v3.0

Creates different dropdowns to filter the events list on the template page.


  • filters (list): Can be used to define which filter dropdown will be shown. It is a comma-separated list with the following items:
    • "location": a dropdown with all the available locations.
    • "state": From: v2.1.6 a dropdown with all the available states.
  • resettext (string): The displayed text of the reset button.
  • buttonclass (string): a CSS class name for the reset button.

Must be used in the "Event" template.


An iteration over the template's events with the actual dates.

Must be used in the "Event" template.


Represents an event with an exact date.


  • show (number): Determines the number of events to display before displaying the "Show me more dates" button
  • within_ul (bool) From: v4.1: If set to false, don't output a closing </ul> tag before last shown item
    Default: true

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] shortcode.

[arlo_event_name]From: v2.1.6

Represents the event name, which can be different from the template.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Represents the event code.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_notice]From: v3.3

Represents the event special notice.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Computes the event's duration from the start and end date.

Outputs the following:

  • If the event the start date is the same as the end date
    • If the event is longer than 6 hours, it outputs "1 day"
    • If the event is shorter than 6 hours, it outputs the exact duration with hours and minutes.
  • If the event is longer than a day, but shorter than 7 days, it outputs the number of the days.
  • If the event is longer than 7 days, it outputs the number of the weeks.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_template_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


It outputs the best price of the template or its events with the corresponding tax settings and without displaying the discounts. If the the template is free, it outputs "Free", or the given text for free in the Settings.


  • showfrom (bool) From: v2.4: If set to "false", a "From" text won't be displayed before the price.
    Default: "true"
  • order (list) From: v3.8: Comma-separated list of the order to respect when evaluating the price. If one should be skipped then simply remove it from the list. If the list is empty not price is ever displayed.
    • "event": Price of the current event.
    • "session": Price of the current session if any.
    • "template": Price of the template or best price among all events of that template.
    • "firstevent": Price of the next event of that template.
    • "onlineactivity": Price of the online activity of that template.
    Default: "session,template,firstevent,onlineactivity"


    [arlo_event_price order="event"]
        [arlo_event_price order="session"]

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_template_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Returns a date with a registration link for the next running event. If there is no next running event, it returns a "Register interest" link. The shortcode respects the state of the applied filter.


  • format (string): The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's date function.
    Default: "d M y"
  • format (string) From: v2.3.5: The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's strftime function, which supports localization.
  • format (string) From: v3.8: Custom format of the outputted date
    • "period": Outputs specific format including the end date if different from the start date.
      For example: "3 - 4 May", "31 Jan - 5 Feb" or "5 Nov"
  • limit (int): Defines the number of the dates.
    Default: 1
  • layout (string): Defines the layout of the layout of the output
    • "list": Outputs an HTML list.
    Default: Outputs a comma separated list
  • removeyear (bool): If set to "true", and if the event is in the current year, the year ("Y" or "y") will be removed from the format.
    Default: "true"
  • text (string) From: v2.4: Defines the output of this shortcode with placeholder elements
    • {%date%}: Outputs the date of the next running event, in the given format.
    • {%location%}: Outputs the location of the next running event
    • {%count%}: From: v3.6 Outputs a count of the next running events. If this placehodler is used, only one link will be displayed without any dates.
    Default: "{%date%}"
  • template_link (string) From: v3.5: it can be one of the following
    • "permalink": Link to the event in the WordPress instance
    • "viewuri": Link to the event in Arlo
    • "registerlink": If a register link is available it will use that, otherwise it will use the permalink.
    • "single": From: v4.1 Link each event to a single scheduled event page in the WordPress instance.
    • "none": No link
    Default: "registerlink"


[arlo_event_next_running limit="2" text="{%date%}, {%location%}"]

It will output the following HTML code

            <a href="" class="arlo-register">06 Dec, Wellnington</a>, 
            <a href="" class="arlo-register">09 Dec, Auckland</a>

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_template_list_item] or the [arlo_suggest_templates] shortcodes.


Represents the event location. It can contain a link, if the event is not an online event, or the associated venue is shown on the website.


  • link (string) From: v3.1: it can be one of the following or any valid url
    • "permalink": Link to the venue in the WordPress instance
    • "viewuri": Link to the venue in Arlo
    Default: "permalink"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Represents when this event starts.


  • format (string) From: v2.3.5: The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's strftime function, which supports localization.
    Default: "%a %I:%M %p"
  • format (string): The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's date function.
    If the event is in the current year, the year ("Y" or "y") will be removed from the format.
    Default: "D g:i A"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Represents when this event ends.


  • format (string) From: v2.3.5: The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's strftime function, which supports localization.
    Default: "%a %I:%M %p"
  • format (string): The format of the outputted date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's date function.
    If the event is in the current year, the year ("Y" or "y") will be removed from the format.
    Default: "D g:i A"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_dates]From: v3.6

Outputs the event dates. It will only output the end date if it is different to the start date.


  • startdateformat (string): The format of the outputted start date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's strftime function, which supports localization.
    Default: "%e %b"
  • enddateformat (string): The format of the outputted start date. For further reference see the format parameter of PHP's strftime function, which supports localization.
    Default: "%e %b"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Represents the description of the event.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_duration_description]From: v3.6

If the event has sessions, outputs the description of the event. Similar to [arlo_event_session_description].
Otherwise, outputs the event's duration from the start and end date, followd by when this event starts and ends.
Similar to [arlo_event_duration], [arlo_event_start_date] - [arlo_event_end_date].


Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_summary]From: v3.8

Represents the summary of the event.

On sessions, show the session summary also called Description.
Not to be confused with [arlo_event_session_description] that show the event level session description field or [arlo_event_template_summary] that would show the event level summary on sessions too.

Must be used within the "Event" template or within the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcode.


It outputs a button with the registration link, if the registration is available for the event. If the remaining places is available, it outputs the "X places remaining" text.

If the registration is not available and a registration message is set, it outputs the given registration message.

If the event is full, it outputs the "Event is full" text. If the waiting list feature is enabled, it outputs a link with a "Join waiting list" text.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] shortcodes.


Displays an HTML list of the available offers for the event with the corresponding tax settings. If the the event is free, it outputs "Free", or the given text in the Settings.

It also displays the available discounts for the event.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


Returns a list of presenters for the event.


  • layout (string): Defines the layout of the output
    • "list": Outputs an HTML list
    Default: Outputs a comma separated list
  • link (string) From: v3.1: it can be one of the following or any valid url
    • "permalink": Link to the presenter in the WordPress instance
    • "viewuri": Link to the presenter in Arlo
    • "false": No link will be output
    Default: "permalink"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.


If the event is with a different event provider, it outputs the name of the provider. If a website url is set for the provider, the name of the provider will be a link to the website of the provider.

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] shortcodes.


If the event is an online event, it returns "Online (Webinar)", else it returns "Workshop".

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] shortcodes.


Generates a form with a dropdown selector for timezones to change the event’s timezone.

Must be used within the "Event" or the "Upcoming events" template.


Generates a link with the given text which, points to the event template's registerinteresturi.


  • text (int): The given text will be displayed as the text of the link.
    Default: "Suggest another date/location"

Must be used within the "Event" template.

[arlo_suggest_private_datelocation]From: v3.8

Generates a link with the given text which, points to the event template's registerprivateinteresturi.

Similar to [arlo_event_template_register_private_interest].
The link will be displayed when the following conditions are met:


  • text (int): The text to be displayed instead of the default one.
    All the text is used as the text of the link unless 2 %s sequences are used to delimit the start and end of the link.
    Default: "Want to run this event in-house? %s Enquire about running this event in-house %s"

Must be used within the "Event" template.

[arlo_suggest_templates]From: v2.1.5

With this shortcode, you can suggest templates which is related to the current event (template).


  • base (string): The connection between the template and the suggested templates
    • "category": The suggested templates will be shown from the same category or categories as the current template
    • "tag": The suggested templates will be shown if they are tagged with the same tag. Must be used with conjuction of the "tagprefix" attribute
    Default: "category"
  • tagprefix (string): If the base is set to "tag", you can define a prefix for a tag, which will be used as a connection between the suggested templates and the current one. The tag has to start with the prefix and the tamplates have to be tagged with that tag.
    Default: "tagprefix"
  • limit (int): Defines the number of the templates to be shown.
    Default: 5
  • onlyscheduled (bool):If this is set to "true", only templates will be shown which has scheduled events
    Default: "false"
  • regionalized: If set to "true", the shortcode will only show templates from the selected region
    Default: "false" From: v2.3

Must be used within the "Event" template and has to be the last shortcode in the template.

[arlo_event_tags]From: v2.1.6

Creates a list of tags which are associated to the event

  • layout (string): Defines the layout of the output
    • "list": Outputs an HTML list
    • "class": Outputs a space separated list of sanitized tags (can be used as an HTML "class" attribute)
      From: v2.2
    Default: Outputs a comma separated list
  • prefix: Can be used in conjuction with the class layout to prefix the class names to avoid css conflicts
    Default: "arlo-"
    From: v2.2


        [arlo_event_tags layout="class" prefix="asd-" wrap='<li class="arlo-cf %s">']

It will output the following HTML code for every event

                <li class="arlo-cf asd-tag1 asd-tag2">Event name</li>

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcode.

[arlo_event_session_list_item]From: v2.1.6

If the event has sessions, this shortcode outputs the session information.

  • label (string): Defines the label, which will be shown as a placeholder for the popup
    Default: Session information
  • header (string): Defines the header of the popup
    Default: Sessions
  • layout (string) From: v3.6: Defines the layout of the session information.
    • "tooltip": Displays the sessions in a tooltip using the jQuery DarkTooltip plugin.
    • "popup": Displays the sessions in a modal popup using Bootstrap Modals.
    • "none": Displays the sessions in an HTML list.
    Default: tooltip


    <div class="arlo_session">
        <div>[arlo_event_start_date format="%a %d %b %H:%M"] - [arlo_event_end_date format="%a %d %b %H:%M"]</div>

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list_item] shortcode.

[arlo_no_event_text]From: v2.2.1

If there is no event, this shortcode creates a text which was set up at the settings page.

Must be used after the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_template_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_credits]From: v2.4

It outputs the given credits for the event


  • layout (string): Defines the layout of the output.
    • "list": Outputs an HTML list
    Default: list

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] shortcode.

[arlo_event_rich_snippet]From: v3.3

Outputs the rich snippet data for the event.


  • link (string): it can be one of the following
    • "permalink": Link to the event in the WordPress instance
    • "viewuri": Link to the event in Arlo
    Default: "permalink"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list_item] shortcode.

[arlo_event_isfull]From: v3.6

Outputs a message if the event is full.


  • output (string): The HTML to output if the event is full.
    Default: "Full"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_offers_hasdiscount]From: v3.6

Outputs a message if the event has a discount.


  • output (string): The HTML to output if the event has a discount.
    Default: "Discount"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.

[arlo_event_haslimitedplaces]From: v3.9

Outputs a message if the event only have limited places remaining for registration.


  • output (string): The HTML to output if the event has limited places.
    Default: "Limited places"

Must be used within the [arlo_event_list] or the [arlo_upcoming_list_item] or the [arlo_event_session_list_item] shortcodes.